About Paper Fern Studio

How can I contact The Paper Fern Studio? If you have a specific question or concern regarding your order, please feel free to email Anna at  paperfernstudio@gmail.com

Do you sell wholesale? Yes! Our wholesale information and policies can be found here.

Do you sell in person? Yes! You can find The Paper Fern Studio at local market events here. More stockist locations coming soon!

Do you offer discounts or sales? We occasionally offer sales to our mailing list subscribers. To be the first to know about upcoming sales, subscribe to our mailing list here

Where are PFS products made? We are currently in the process of shifting to locally made products, but for now we are very small and have to outsource! Cards, giclee prints, postcards, etc. are printed in San Antonio, TX. Stickers are made in Springville, UT. Enamel mugs are from Poland.

Do you teach watercolor or drawing classes in person? I will be teaching in-person watercolor and nature journaling classes this coming spring at the Burkhead Art Center in Snohomish, WA. To be the first to know about these classes, sign up for The Paper Fern Studio newsletter.

Do you teach watercolor or drawing classes online? I do not currently offer online classes. To be the first to know when I have online tutorials available, sign up for the newsletter here!



Full shipping information can be found here.

Where do you ship? Currently we ship anywhere in the US and Canada.

When will my order ship? In general, we will ship orders 2-4 business days after receiving them. If you have a specific request, such as bulk orders, processing times will vary, up to two weeks. 

Where is The Paper Fern Studio located? We operate out of beautiful Snohomish, WA. Keep an eye out for local events!

Where can I buy PFS products? Currently our products are available here through Shopify, on my Etsy shop, and at our market events, which can be found here.

Custom Orders & Commissions

Are you available for commissions or custom orders? The Paper Fern Studio is not currently taking commissions. Unless specified on the listing, products are not able to be customized. 

Can I use one of your artworks as a tattoo? Sure! As a courtesy, please send me a message letting me know which artwork you plan to get, and tag me or send me a photo of your finished tattoo so I can see it! ;)


Returns & Exchanges

My order arrived damaged. Can I get a refund on my order? If you received your order and it was damaged due to the shipping process, The Paper Fern Studio is unable to offer refunds.

I ordered the wrong product. Can I return it? If your order was made less than 30 days ago, and your item is still in the original condition and packaging, you may request a return by emailing Anna at paperfernstudio@gmail.com. Return shipping is the customer’s responsibility.

Still have a question? Email Anna at paperfernstudio@gmail.com :)